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Minister Lindiwe Zulu To Deliver Keynote Address At The National Development Agency's Public Dialogue - Food For All Through Resilient Food And Nutrition Systems In South Africa.

Posted in Events on 12 October 2020

The National Development Agency (NDA) is tasked with the responsibility of contributing towards the eradication of poverty in South Africa and its causes. The NDA in discharging its mandate, has to empower and enhance the capacity of the civil society sector. This ensures that the NDA helps to build more cohesive communities that are able to tackle the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality.

Minister of Social Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu, as part of the Social Development Month activities, will deliver a keynote address at the Public Dialogue that will be hosted by the NDA. This year’s theme for Social Development Month is – ‘’Strengthening our response to recovery through DSD services.’’ Minister Zulu’s address will focus on South Africa’s state of Food and Nutrition and will set the tone for the engagement at this public dialogue which will also commemorate World Food Day on 16 October 2020 (under the theme “Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together”).

Based on insights from the NDA’s critical review research report on Food and Nutrition Security as well as alignment to the World Food Day theme, the options for improved policy coordination aimed at maximising the quality of life benefits for hungry people will be discussed. The objective is to frame actions for appropriate coordination mechanisms and dimensions of Food and Nutrition Security interventions are overlaid with policy cycle stages in the analysis. In this context, the dialogue will bring together different stakeholders to:

  • Provide an overview towards measuring the Sustainable Development Goals 2.1.2 (End Hunger) in South Africa.
  • Present insights from the new NDA Status Report and Policy Brief against the backdrop of World Food Day 2020 and progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Promote participatory and constructive dialogue among the broadest possible range of stakeholders in food and nutrition security.
  • Explore Options to Strengthen Food System Coordination to realise the outcome of adequate food and nutrition security for all.

The NDA, in collaboration with DSD and HSRC are hosting a virtual public dialogue to launch the NDA’s latest Food and Nutrition Security Status Report and accompanying Policy Brief. The DPME and STATTSA will also be providing content relating to the National Food and Nutrition Security in the country, as well as the update on how the country is performing on SDG 2.1.2 (End Hunger).

The public dialogue will involve participants from the following groups:

  • Civil Society Organizations and Commodity Associations
  • Non -State/State-Owned Entities
  • Government Departments
  • Academic Institutions
  • UN Agencies
  •  Business
  • South African Public

The public dialogue will be hosted Live on Zoom, and Registration will be required beforehand.

Members of the media are invited to cover and attend the public dialogue scheduled as follows:

Date:               Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Venue:           Livestream via Zoom

Time:              10h30-13h00

Media can RSVP and send media enquiries to Mr Lonwabo Ganelo on 073 2950547 or e-mail: