
Annual Performance Plans

Annual Performance Plan 2012/2013

01 January 2012

The Board has approved the 2012-17 Strategic Plan of the NDA as the ultimate beacon that guides the NDA. The following Annual Performance Plan is aimed at achieving the objectives as set out in the Strategic Plan.

The organisational structure has been refined and will be implemented in the 2012/13 financial year to enable the delivery of strategic objectives contained within this document.

The Board continues to support the Executive team by providing a clear strategic direction for the NDA. The poverty challenge remains immense in our country, and we owe our existence as an organisation to the masses of poverty-stricken South Africans that are potential beneficiaries of our programmes. The NDA will grant funds to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), to enable them to implement development projects in poor communities. The organisation is also charged with strengthening the institutional capacity of other CSOs that provide services to poor communities.