Annual Report 2006/2007
The National Development Agency is a critical engine that can ensure growth and skills development in the South African economy and play an important role in the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative of South Africa (ASGI-SA). South Africa is a politically stable and beautiful country with an exceptionally good climate. No child should therefore have to go to bed hungry, or be prevented from attending school. Although our democracy is still very young, it is economically strong.
While the NDA plays a critical role in the distribution of funds to Civil Society Organisations (CSO), it is also tasked to transfer much-needed social, economic, financial and agricultural skills on behalf of government. This is to ensure that the CSOs become sustainable and profitable. Government funding was never meant to be a continuous and constant contribution, but rather a once-off contribution to kick-start CSOs on their way to becoming sustainable. Furthermore the NDA is determined to ensure that, in addition to the funds allocated to CSOs, they will also receive the skills needed to ensure their sustainability and independence. The NDA thus functions as a catalyst to ensure that relevant skills are transferred through intermediaries.