
Annual Reports

Annual Report 2012/2013

01 January 2012

It is my pleasure to present the National Development Agency’s 2012/13 annual report. During the year under review, the NDA played a crucial role in assisting many of our communities to join the mainstream economy. Its grant funding initiatives continued to act as catalysts for job creation and skills development of civil society organisations that implement development projects within poor communities. These, in turn, contribute towards an active citizenry.

The Agency’s focus was on early childhood development, food security, enterprise development and capacity building of funded civil society organisations. The emphasis on capacity building was to ensure broad skilling of our civil society organisations to empower them with the muchneeded skills to run their organisations effectively and ensure compliance with their funder’s expectations. Early childhood development (ECDs) initiatives were aimed at bridging the gap between formal and informal ECDs, to ensure that as many South African children as possible get a solid foundation that will see them getting a good start in their formal schooling. This, I believe, will contribute to ensuring that South Africa can compete with the rest of