NDA project visit to Abalimi Bezekhaya, Wednesday 08 January 2025, 09h00 - 13h00 Programme Director; Acting Director-General, Mr Peter Netshipale; Acting Chief Executive Officer of the National Development Agency, Mr Thabani Buthelezi; Acting Chief Executive Officer of the South African Social Security Agency, Mr Themba Matlou (or representative) Leadership and beneficiaries of Etafeni Day Care Centre Trust Esteemed partners and stakeholders Officials from the Department of Social Development, SASSA and the NDA Bahlali, Ladies and Gentlemen Molweni
- Mphathi ngqubo nani bahlali mandinibulele ngobukho benu apha, as the Social Development Agency portfolio, we wish you well for this new season that is upon us as well as the year ahead. Today marks a series of outreach programmes by the Department of Social Development and its entitiesâ€â€Âthe South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) and the National Development Agency (NDA), which commenced yesterday and will continue to the 14th of January.
- People are at the centre of our focus in all we do as the Social Development portfolio, as such we have earmarked visits, such as this one funded by the NDA, to review the impact of poverty eradication initiatives and programmes catered by the Department to vulnerable individuals, families and communities which intend to promote sustainable livelihoods. Some considerable amount of time will also be dedicated to taking services offered by SASSA into communities of the Western Cape as well as monitoring issues related NPO registration and compliance verifications processes.
- High cost of leaving related to cost of food and food security is a major concern of government and the president. One of the main strategic areas the 7th administration has identified is poverty alleviation, and key to that is food security for our people. The intervention by NDA in funding and skilling community based organizations to grow their own food is a practical intervention in poverty eradication.
- The NDA remains committed to the plight of poverty eradication in South Africa through sustainable development programmes as outlined in its turnaround strategy to seek partnerships that increase resource flows towards sustainable development of community owned enterprises.
- Abalimi Bezekhaya (Abalimi) meaning ‘farmers of the home’ in isiXhosa, is an urban-farming organisation, established and registered in 1982 as a non-profit organisation. It supports individuals and groups from disadvantaged communities in Cape Town through providing facilitation, resource support and training on organic food production for food security, nutrition, health and income generation. Abalimi operates in the greater Cape Flats including Khayelitsha, Nyanga, Philippi, Browns Farm, Crossroads and Gugulethu.
- With the NDA’s grant funding of R 311 623,57, Abalimi has trained 32 gardeners from 5 farms cultivate their skill, grow food on demand and provided a market for their produce that is delivered weekly addressing food security and sustainable livelihoods.ÂÂÂ
- Bahlali nali ithuba lokuncedisa iintsapho zethu ukuze bazimele. Imizamo efana nale mazande kwindawo zonke apho abantu bahlala khona. We need to take these opportunities as a country to grow the food economy. Let us make millionaires from using land and our God given abilities. As government we will continue to strengthen the commercial skills needed to grow this area of work.
In Conclusion
Let us work together to ensure no one goes to bed without plate of food when we can grow our own gardens. Let us use the land we have as a means to participate in the mainstream economy. Let us get our independency and dignity back.
Phantsi ngendlala