
Research Reports

Creating Ecd Learning Environments

A literature review on the importance of creating environments that will foster quality learning and encourage good behaviour and the way of life in ECD centres.
01 September 2016

The Early Childhood Development sector in South Africa has seen numerous efforts from government to restructure and put into to place policies and structures to correct past imbalances within the ECD sector. Learning begins at the very early stages of our lives, early childhood is one of the most vital stages because it is where we develop future characteristics, values, beliefs and morals as adults and which are influenced by the environment in which we experience during our early childhood years. Therefore, it is important to create environments that will foster quality learning and encourage good behaviour and way of life.

It is within the early years of childhood where children’s brain development is more complex and works faster. It is this period that is most fundamental for human development and where significant foundations need to be defined and established to promote and support learning and growth for the benefit of later years (Christina, R, 2011). Children grow faster physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and morally from birth to seven years. During these years they acquire concepts, skills, attitudes that lay the foundation for lifelong learning. it is also in this period that they learn language, gain motor skills essential for learning how to read and write, learn basic numerical concepts and skills, problems solving skills, establish a desire for learning and maintaining relationships (Department of Social Development, 2006).<